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Dancing Elephants – The Blog

Making Entrepreneurs Rich and Happy

Life has taught me many lessons. Perhaps the most important is that when I focus on something, I always get it.

Now, that isn’t always easy for me. You see, I’m an entrepreneur with a bad case of “bright shiny object syndrome”. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It is that insidious disease that causes me to flit from one interesting project to another without every really completing any of them.

I used to have piles of started, but not finished books. I used to have half-completed products and ideas all over my office. I’d go through my desk, find a scrap of paper with a cool idea on it and, boom!, I’d completely forget what I was searching for and start working on the new thing that caught my attention.

That really was my life.

Not anymore, though! A few years ago I created and started using The One Page Strategic Plan and it has changed my life.

Everything I need to do is on that one sheet of paper. It is a constant reminder of the most important things in my business. It gives me a laser-beam focus on the important things so I never get derailed by the shiny or urgent.

This tool is so powerful that I use it with all of my clients now. In fact, I won’t do any sales or marketing consulting with a company until they have their plan done. Without The One Page Strategic Plan in place, any other planning is premature and almost useless.

This year I have written a book about The One Page Strategic Planning process and I want to share it with you – free. Yes, it is my gift to you. You can get your copy here. Not only that, but feel free to share it with as many friends as you’d like. I’m on a one-woman mission to transform the way we do business and I want to start with you. I’m giving away 10,000 copies of my book and workbook and after that, you’ll have to spend $49 to get it, so go get your copy now!

Here’s to an amazing 2011 and beyond!